Haven't I Seen Me Someplace Before?

Haven't I Seen Me Someplace Before?

S3 E26: Jeannie gives Roger one birthday wish. Unwittingly Roger wishes he could change with Tony, who is set to fly Trailblazer One. From then on, Tony and Roger inhabit each other's bodies, although each has his own voice. Mrs. Bellows has a confusing meeting with Roger. Unable to phone Roger, Tony and Jeannie go to the Officers Club. On his wife's report of her strange encounter, Dr. Bellows picks up Roger at Tony's house. Tony, as Roger, has difficulties at the Club, first with the Maitre D', and then with one of Roger's girlfriends. Jeannie blinks up a bloodhound to find Roger. Dr. Bellows feels Tony has been working too hard. Roger looks into a mirror and suddenly remembers his wish. Hot on the scent, the bloodhound drags Jeannie and Tony on a wild chase. They cause chaos in a Chinese laundry, almost drowning in starch, then at the NASA hospital where Dr. Bellows orders Nurse Fromkis to hold Roger. Tony and dog are frozen is place when the laundry starch hardens. Hearing Tony and Roger speak in each other's voices, Dr. Bellows runs for Gen. Peterson. Tony foils Bellows with ventriloquism. Roger insists on going on the space flight in Tony's body. Jeannie finally persuades him to take back his wish. Tony blasts off but Roger gets another wish from Jeannie. Tony finds Roger on his lap as they rocket through space.
Starring Emmaline Henry, Barton MacLane, Pat Delaney