Hard Cases

Hard Cases

Available on Prime Video, Hulu, Max
S2 E4: Sobotka reprimands his nephew Nick for stealing the cameras and orders him to bring the cargo back--too late. McNulty is on a self-assigned moral mission to identify his floater, but his old partner, Bunk, says they have a more pressing matter at hand: to find Omar to testify against a Barksdale trigger man in one of last year's murders. To placate Valcheck, Burrell asks Daniels to lead the detail investigating Sobotka, and Daniels agrees. McNulty--on his second moral mission of the season--begins courting his estranged wife, promising a new day and a new Jimmy McNulty. Still holding onto a shred of hope, McNulty signs a separation agreement.
Starring Chris Bauer, Melanie Nicholls King, Callie Thorne