

Available on Peacock, Disney+, Hulu
S4 E23: Vanessa Bevins works as a cocktail waitress at a hip club, and she's found shot in an alley during one of her shifts. She is a student by day at Hudson University and was seen arguing with her boyfriend, Donovan Alvarez (D.J. Cotrona), right before she was killed so he is the prime suspect. The gun that killed her is found at the scene, and is traced to an older couple whose son goes to Hudson, but he reported it stolen. Vanessa's despondent father Ray (Joe Morton) pleads for the cops to help, and he also said her behavior had been very erratic, running up huge bills, being secretive and having severe mood swings. They assume she was on drugs. Alvarez is cleared, even though his fingerprints were on her arm, (from the argument) but his prints are not on the gun. One of Vanessa's co-workers said she was sleeping with her boss, Perry Williams (Paul Leyden), an obnoxious misogynist who owns the club.
Starring Joe Morton, Viola Davis, Paul Leyden