Go To Sleep / A Visit To The Doctor

Go To Sleep / A Visit To The Doctor

Available on Peacock
S1 E8: A Visit To The Doctor: At Punky and Henry's apartment, Punky and Cherie are trying to make notes to give to the school nurse, saying that they don't need their booster shot. When Henry and Betty get home, they find and read the notes. Punky is scared to get her booster shot because she's afraid it'll hurt too much, so Henry lends her the "magic nickel" that his father gave to him when he was a kid. At the doctor's office, while Punky's getting a drink of water, the magic nickel falls down the water fountain's drain. Punky is scared that Henry will be mad, and she is again scared of her booster shot, now that she doesn't have the nickel anymore. While Punky is getting her shot, the receptionist tells Henry that Punky lost "some sort of magic nickel". Punky is brave and gets her booster shot. She tells Henry that she lost his magic nickel, and she is surprised when he doesn't get angry about it. She also tells Henry how she was brave without the nickel and that he can also be brave without the nickel. Go To Sleep: An unsleepy Punky threatens Henry's late night attempt to watch "Die Fledermaus" (The Bat) on PBS. Punky would much rather watch "Revenge of the Slime-People". -tv.com
Starring Doris Hess, Jeremy Miller, John Miranda