Ghost Dance

Ghost Dance

Available on Tubi TV
S1 E2: Three spelunkers enter an abandoned mine. A few minutes later, Rosalita (Gladise Jimenez) and Harlow (Branscombe Richmond) approach on horseback, inspecting a damaged section of fence. Abruptly, terrified screams emanate from the mine. Rosalita and Harlow ride over to investigate. Upon entering, they discover one of the spelunkers, Lynch (Greg Collins), moaning on the ground. Rosalita gasps as she sees half his face has been desiccated. Harlow rides off to get his truck while Rosalita talks to Lynch, trying to keep him from going into shock. Lynch warns her there's a ghost coming. Rosalita thinks he's delusional until she peers down the tunnel and sees a green vaporous cloud approaching! When Harlow returns in his truck, he's surprised to find Rosalita has dragged Lynch out of the mine all by herself. They load the spelunker onto the flatbed and speed off.