Fun Size Patrol

Fun Size Patrol

Available on Prime Video, Max
S2 E1: In the season premiere, Niles, Jane, Cliff, Rita, Vic and Dorothy are still trapped in miniature-size weeks after the events of last season. Camped out in Cliff’s miniature race-track set up, Dorothy tries to befriend both Cliff and Jane, while Larry does his best to figure out a way to restore everyone to their normal size once again. Meanwhile, Rita asks Vic for help in using her elastic abilities for good, while Jane hides out in the Underground and Niles tries everything to earn forgiveness for his past misdeeds. In the end though, Niles will have to sacrifice something very precious, by making a bargain with Willoughby Kipling (recurring guest star Mark Sheppard) in order to help the team and keep his daughter safe – and the world safe from her imaginary friends.
Starring Mark Sheppard, Julie McNiven, Michael Herney