Four Months Ago...

Four Months Ago...

Available on Peacock, Prime Video
S2 E8: When the clock turns back four months for all of the Heroes, Nathan pays a terrible cost for his heroic actions. While Peter survives his detonation over New York City, the Company "bags" him as a threat to the world, eventually leading to violent confrontation with Elle (Kristen Bell) and the Haitian (Jimmy Jean-Louis). D.L. (Leonard Roberts) makes the ultimate sacrifice for Niki (Ali Larter) and Micah (Noah Gray-Cabey). Maya (Dania Ramirez) horrifically manifests her dark powers for the first time, driving her and Alejandro (Shalim Ortiz) to America for help. A mysterious, yet familiar face is introduced. David Anders, Jack Coleman, Dana Davis, Greg Grunberg, James Kyson Lee, Zachary Quinto, Sendhil Ramamurthy also star. Carlon Jeffery, Nichelle Nichols and Stephen Tobolowsky guest star.
Starring Carlon Jeffery, Nichelle Nichols, Kristen Bell