Feeding Frenzy

Feeding Frenzy

Available on Tubi TV
S1 E1: An old Dodge Charger drives into Valley. Radio blaring. Stops at the "Perfection Valley Warning" sign. Tyler Reed (Victor Browne) gets out and takes pictures of the sign. Thinks it's kind of funny. Until a backpacker runs toward him, chased by a Graboid -- El Blanco! El Blanco grabs the backpacker and sucks him into the ground. Tyler tries to save him, but El Blanco wrenches the man out of Tyler's grasp and drags him off. Tyler scrambles into his truck. Bad move. The Graboid smashes it from below! Tentacles shoot up, snaking through the windows. Tyler hauls himself onto the hood. Wham! Wham! Great gouts of dirt shoot from around the vehicle as the truck is pulled into the ground, literally sinking like a ship!