Escape from New York

Escape from New York

S3 E1: While suffering through a heat wave and the death of their air conditioner, Paul and Jamie take to the streets, only to find the situation there is even worse. While scanning her college catalog in search of a major, Jamie convinces Paul to leave town for the weekend to dine at a seaside restaurant where they once ate some wonderful clams. However, while borrowing her car, Jamie is upset to learn that Fran has been hired to fill her old job. After a surprise car phone call from his mother, Paul and Jamie reluctantly agree to help move an old couch to Lisa's apartment. Arriving at Sylvia's to help, they not only discover that Ira is now wearing a new toupee, but Paul learns of a former assistant who is directing a high profile film while his own career languishes. Then, as they all struggle move the couch, Fran's car, containing Murray, is towed away. Although Murray is happy to see Jamie, he gives Paul a less than enthusiastic reception at the car impound lot as they resume their trip to the beach. However, when Jamie insists on stopping to buy the weary dog a hamburger to make up for the inconvenience, Paul accidentally locks himself inside the car in the sweltering heat. When a locksmith finally frees Paul, the Buchmans are back on the road, although lost and unable to remember the name of their destination. Convincing Jamie that they shouldn't stop in order to start trying to get pregnant just so she won't have to deliver a baby in next summer's heat, Paul finally remembers the restaurant's name, only to find it has moved. Finally, after Paul and Jamie dejectedly return home, a take out menu stuck to their door reveals that the restaurant's new location is just around the corner from their apartment.
Starring Cynthia Harris, Lisa Kudrow