Episode 7

Episode 7

Available on Tubi TV, Disney+, Hulu, Plex
S4 E7: Gordon takes his son Jack fishing in the Scottish Highlands and then gets the rest of the family to help turn an old Robin Reliant into a salmon smoker in his back garden; Janet Street-Porter decides whether or not to make her veal calves Free Range; in Gordon Ramsay's Healthy Appetite Gordon teaches a female fire fighter how to make a deliciously healthy Beef Burger with potato wedges and a beetroot relish; and Meat Loaf takes on Gordon with his tuna bake. Plus Angela Griffin and her family cook stir-fried duck in lettuce cups, saffron beam and peppers, and summer berry mille feuille for the F Word diners - three simple and delicious recipes that everyone can enjoy at home.
Starring Angela Griffin, Meat Loaf