Episode 25

Episode 25

Available on Tubi TV
S1 E3: With the Japanese military conquering Henan and pressing on towards Shanghai, NGO-TIN requests YIU-KWONG to organise a charitable opera show for the counter-Japanese movement. Apart form that, NGO-TIN also puts SIU-HONG in charge of forming a special task force to assist the Chinese military in transportation of supplies as well as maintaining the public order. Though HOK-YIU intends to stop the movie production and leave Shanghai together with his family, SIU-SHAN instead attempts to win over the Japanese by using his relationship with TOJO as a thread. Having seen through SIU-SHAN, TOJO takes out a list of names of the counter-Japanese activists, urging SIU-SHAN to help get rid of them. YIU-KWONG is sent to the hospital after suffering injuries, so NGO-TIN has someone protect YIU-KWONG. Upon SHUN-KIT's return to Shanghai, he asks TING-TING for a favor to assemble the Axe Gang members to rise against the Japanese by using their secret code. At that moment, TING-TING finally comes to realise that SIU-HONG had a good reason for what he had done. After YIU-KWONG regains his consciousness, someone out of the blue bursts into his ward, so SIU-LAU struggles to resist the intruder. Going to her rescue, NGO-TIN even takes a bullet for her. Meanwhile, KWAI-SENG takes in a group of women and senior citizens and starts raising funds for the counter-Japanese movement. Surprisingly, she goes to seek aid from NGO-TIN as she intends to flee from the Chinese Sector. Meeting up with KWAI-SENG, KAM-TONG once again reveals his intention of getting back together with her. As for TOJO, he threatens KAM-TONG and NGO-TIN, pressuring them to submit to the Japanese military while indicating the two and SIU-SHAN are good friends.