Dying to Know You

Dying to Know You

S1 E6: When his surveillance of pornographer and murder suspect Murray Kozak goes sour, Nick is too late to save informant Pete Farber from being shot to death. Though not finding the sought-after videotape of Kozak killing pom actress Betty Gilroy, in order to detain Kozak, Nick falsely claims to having seen him fire the shot that killed Farber. However, after Natalie points out a glaring inconsistency between his story and her autopsy, Nick recalls another disturbing incident where he witnessed Janette kill a female musician and then left her boyfriend to be accused of the murder. When Nick asks to be released from having to testify in person, Stonetree refuses the request, claiming he is the only eyewitness to the murder. Meanwhile, after interviewing a woman well -acquainted with Kozak, Nick concludes that a dancer, Tamara, may know more than she is willing to admit about the deaths of Betty and Farber. Admitting to Schanke that he lied about seeing Kozak actually kill their informant, Nick is told to stick with his original story in order to get the killer off the street. So, with Natalie helping him with the rare daytime appearance, Nick shows up for Kozak's trial, preoccupied by his memory of an 1828 court appearance. After Kozak claims that Pete killed himself, Nick is called to the stand to testify but is unable to bring himself to lie under oath. Rushing from the courtroom to see Janette, Nick is urged to join her to start their lives again in another city, away from the mortal concerns that are troubling him. However, refusing to abandon his desire to become human again, Nick finally admits to having lolled Lacroix. Ostracized by his fellow officers for allowing Kozak to go free, and by Janette for killing their mentor, Nick obtains a warrant to search Tamara's home. After arriving in time to overhear Kozak admit to killing both Farber and Betty on Tamara's orders, Nick bursts into the room and arrests the pair for the murders.