Double Trouble in the Panhandle

Double Trouble in the Panhandle

Available on Disney+, Hulu
S4 E12: Booth and Brennan investigate the remains of conjoined twins found in a shallow grave in a remote desert area on the Texas-Oklahoma border. Back at the lab, the team determines the skeletal remains to be those of Jenny and Julie, who were jugglers in a traveling circus. Knowing there is no way the circus folk will talk to anyone outside their tight-knit clan, Brennan and Booth must infiltrate the circus community in order to find out more information about the twins' deaths. Honing Booth's Ranger knife-throwing skills, the duo goes undercover as knife-throwing act "Buck and Wanda Moosejaw." As they encounter a variety of suspects among the colorful circus crowd, including ringmaster Henry Simon (guest star Andy Richter), a rather raucous clan of clowns and a tempestuous strong man who may have been romantically involved with one of the twins, Booth and Brennan find the circus experience to be quite the spectacle.
Starring Andy Richter, Ryan Cartwright, Stephen Lee