Dark Knight, Pt. 2

Dark Knight, Pt. 2

S1 E2: Arriving at the warehouse Lacroix is using as a radio station, Nick is unaware of being followed by Alyce as he prepares to confront his vampire master. As Alyce watches Lacroix taunt Nick with the Mayan goblet that could spare him his tortured life, she accidentally reveals her presence and is stopped while trying to escape. Torn between saving the life of a woman that he thinks he could love and the goblet that could restore his humanity, Nick chooses to rescue Alyce, watching helplessly as the cup crashes to the floor below. Racing for his car to avoid burning up in the morning sun, Nick locks himself in the trunk to remain until darkness falls again. However, finding his partner's car, Schanke decides to use it for the day, unaware he is sleeping in the trunk. Although Schanke is unable to get any information, making his way from the car to a hospital office, Nick tells Natalie that Lacroix is not responsible for the killings, confirming his partner's hypothesis that the victims are being chosen because they are homeless donors at a mobile blood bank. Meanwhile, Jack Fenner, the blood mobile's technician, disables Nick's car, nearly killing Schanke in order to mask his responsibility for the killings. Alyce breaks into Nick's apartment and finds the matching jade cup, but when a badly beaten Jeanie arrives, she calls for an ambulance to help the homeless woman. When Fenner arrives looking for Jeanie, Alyce mistakes him for a paramedic and lets him into the loft. However, after he calls home and hears Fenner trying to kill them, Nick hurries to save the women. As fire consumes the loft, Jeanie is led outside to safety, while Nick and Alyce watch Lacroix feasting on the blood of the dying Fenner. Weakened from a lack of nourishment and taunted by Lacroix, Nick offered Alyce's blood as a sacrifice. Though Lacroix encourages him to drink, Nick musters all of his strength to resist the temptation and attacks his master through the wall of flames. However, when Lacroix takes her for himself, Nick kills the vampire with a fiery stake through his heart, but also loses Alyce in the process. Finally, returning to Natalie, Nick is revived with a blood transfusion to continue his struggle to become a mortal.