Counterfeit Angels

Counterfeit Angels

S3 E15: Impressionist Mickey Biggs imitates Charlie's voice in a scam that allows three women posing as the Angels to successfully rob a sports arena box office. A witness positively identifies the Angels, who go undercover when warrants are issued for their arrest. On a tip from a witness, the Angels trace one of the imposters to a model agent, Sam Punch. Punch also manages Biggs. Biggs owes a racketeer, Asher, $20,000 in gambling debts. Another robbery is pulled off by the bogus Angels. But when the Sabrina look alike, Carol, is hit by an auto, the others take off leaving her for police. At the hospital, Bosley identifies Carol as Sabrina, with plans to infiltrate the gang with the real Sabrina posing as Carol's sister. Asher, pleased with Biggs' scam, provides another mark involving theft of important documents. However, he plans on having Biggs and the girls killed afterward. Once accepted by the gang, Sabrina informs Bosley and the Angels of the plan. They arrange for the bogus Angels arrest, allowing the real Angels to follow through on the theft. When the Angels attempt the arrest of Asher, gunshots are traded with his henchmen and the gunmen are wounded, allowing Asher and Biggs' capture.
Starring Hillary Thompson, Linda Scruggs, Robin Eisenman