College Girl

College Girl

Available on Freeform, Disney+, Hulu
S2 E18: Jonathan Taylor Thomas makes a special guest star appearance when he reunites with Tim Allen, his dad from "Home Improvement." When the less-than-studious Mandy gets accepted to not one but two colleges, Kristin realizes it's time to reevaluate where she is in her life. While out on a special date with Ryan, she is pleasantly surprised to see Jon (Thomas), a former co-worker from the diner where she still works, who is now the successful owner of a hip, upscale restaurant. Meanwhile, Mike and Vanessa wonder if Mandy's college choice, a party school in California, is right for her; and Eve gets help with her Junior ROTC competition from neighbor Chuck Larabee.
Starring Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Jordan Masterson, Jonathan Adams