Chez Pig / The Right Cow

Chez Pig / The Right Cow

S1 E3: When Otis sees that humans love Pig's truffle pies as much as they do, he convinces the animals to open a theme restaurant in which they pretend they're humans in animal costumes.  The place is a hit, but they end up working harder and harder to buy all the things they want.  Pig realizes that the pies used to be about joy, but are now making everyone greedy and miserable.  He quits.  Otis has to make the pie before the arrival of Sid Fripplehoot, who's coming to buy the recipe for a million-bajillion dollars. / A test chimp lands at the barnyard.  He thinks the animals a have a sweet deal there not being poked and prodded all day like him.  He insinuates himself into their good graces, then uses Otis's ambition to go into space against him - shooting him into space and taking over the barnyard!