Blue Angels

Blue Angels

S1 E23: Charlie's Angels pursue a killer cop who extorts money from massage parlor owners in "The Blue Angels," on "Charlie's Angels." When two men are found murdered under suspicious circumstances in a massage parlor, Charlie's Angels are called in to investigate the policeman who reported the crime. Sabrina goes undercover on the vice squad as an assistant to the officer who is suspected of extort-ing money from massage parlor owners. Kelly signs up for the police academy training course to locate two recruits suspected of aiding in the coercion. Jill reopens the massage parlor where the murders took place. Word gets to the officer-suspect that the parlor is thriving once again and he calls Jill to extort money. Jill and Sabrina contact Kelly who has located his recruit-cohorts. Things seem to be going smoothly and a payoff/arrest time is set when, unexpectedly, Sabrina's police officer ex-husband identifies her during a routine business visit to the guilty cop's office.
Starring Dirk Benedict, Tom Ligon, Timothy Carey