

Available on Prime Video
S1 E5: With Jim banished from his family home, Angela decides to take the security of her family into her own hands. With his original plan in tatters and completely out of his depth, Whitey’s uncle Frank attempts to take advantage of the oil boom by presenting local bar owner Randy with a business proposal (although the relationship rapidly becomes more than just professional). Meanwhile, with Jim at breaking point and in a constant state of grief-laden inebriation, Whitey and his right-hand man Godswill attempt to take advantage of the situation, and execute a plan designed to lure Worth to certain death. Little does Whitey know that Jim isn’t running the show any more and that his fearless, devious, violent, undercover handle, Jack Devlin, long supressed by years of sobriety, has finally emerged. And Whitey isn’t the only one who can lay a trap.