Bachelor Rob Campos

Bachelor Rob Campos

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S1 E1: In the series premiere of For Love or Money we were first introduced to 15 beautiful women during their obligatory limo ride up the panoramic California coastline. The bachelorettes range from virginal ingénues to savvy society girls: one has been engaged five times while another has taken a vow of celibacy. My favorite though, was the 34-year-old who declared she was infinitely wiser than her 20-something counterparts. We'll see. The girls squealed with delight as they rolled up to an expansive mansion and were greeted by a non-descript host (Jordan Murphy). He might as well have shot off a starter gun as the girls dashed frantically to claim rooms and buddy up. Glamour girl Kelly and sassy Cristy C, emerged as the biggest threats as they clamored to claim the best room. They were also stripped to their bikinis and lounging poolside before the other girls had even caught their breath. The anti-Kelly and Cristy were wholesome Paige and down-to-earth Erin who also teamed up as roommates