For Love Or Money
Bachelor Rob Campos
S1 E2:
With the first round of eliminations over, the ten remaining ladies became competitors instead of roomies. Jordan interrupted breakfast with the latest development. The good news: the dating starts! The bad news: only eight women would participate. Huh? As jaws were dropping onto fancy breakfast plates, Jordan explained. The ladies would vote on which two girls would sit home at the mansion building up anger and resentment while the other eight enjoyed fantasy dates with Rob. Wonder if Kelly was rethinking her snotty attitude at this point? If that wasn't bad enough, Jordan made them REVEAL who they each voted for!! Talk about awkward. Everyone seemed to have lost their appetites as they revealed their votes. Stacey voted for Paige. Christina voted for Erin. Alima voted for Kelly. Melissa voted for Kelly. Laura voted for Paige. Erin and Kelly both picked Melissa. Melanie, Lauren and Paige chose Kelly. Some girls chose to explain their votes; others just silently revealed their choice.