Bachelor Rob Campos

Bachelor Rob Campos

Available on Prime Video, Tubi, Plex
S1 E4: Welcome to the ""final four"": Erin, Kelly, Lauren and Paige. The episode started with a little girl talk in the kitchen. Paige asked the others if they were 100% sure they were getting asked back during the last elimination round. Kelly summed things up by saying that they were all 100% sure Laura would be asked back, so now, anything is possible. Jordan arrived and explained what would happen over the next two days. Each girl would have the opportunity for a one-on-one date. The dates ranged from the marvelous to the mundane, with one mystery date as well. The four girls had to decide who would go on what date. Paige said she wanted either bowling or the mystery date. Bowling?! The girls decided to randomly draw dates. Erin drew the ""mystery date."" Paige got a romantic gondola ride, Kelly got bowling and Lauren wound up with horseback riding. Kelly and Lauren were the least thrilled. Lauren had heard that Rob wasn't into horses and Kelly just thought bowling wasn't very romantic. Kelly