Ape Man of Sumatra

Ape Man of Sumatra

S1 E4: In the jungles of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, locals have reported seeing a creature that looks like an ape yet walks like a human. They've named it Orang Pendek, or the "little man" of the forest. Spain's assignment is to find out whether a new great ape is waiting to be discovered or if we have a strange new cousin. Journey with him on a pilgrimage to a respected shaman who provides further details of Orang Pendek and local folklore. Then, after another eyewitness provides consistent details, Spain ventures deep into the forest to find the proof himself. He'll team up with a local conservationist with a record of discovering new species in the area and endure a brutal trek through the elements. With cameras strategically placed, a photograph could give them the revelation they've been waiting for.