Ain't Loveth Grand?

Ain't Loveth Grand?

S3 E10: Laurie meets a former neighbor at the local tennis courts. His name is Greg Houser and he's grown up to be quite a handsome fellow. Laurie eagerly agrees to see him that evening to talk over old times and to catch up on new times. When Greg arrives to take Laurie out, the entire family is surprised to see that Greg is wearing a clerical collar. Laurie feels very uncomfortable with Greg now that she knows his occupation. Greg puts her at ease, however. He does this so successfully that later in the evening Laurie tells Shirley she is in love with Greg. Talk of marriage is in the air. Shirley has told Laurie that she should take time to be sure of her feelings for Greg. Laurie promises to do this, but she is going through all the motions of being in love. Laurie's preoccupation with Greg causes her to leave out a few words in a note she leaves her mother. From the way the note reads, it appears that Laurie has eloped with Greg. Shirley rushes to the church and discovers that Laurie is merely a witness to another couple's vows. Later, Laurie explains the parts she left out of the note. She also tells Shirley that she and Greg won't be thinking of marriage, at least until Laurie is finished with school. Laurie promises that when the time comes for marriage Shirley will be the first to know.
Starring Anthony Geary, Ta-Tanisha