A Friend in Dick

A Friend in Dick

S3 E8: The aliens are fed up with Seth, Sallys artist boyfriend. Under his influence Sally has become unkempt, anti-establishment and extremely pretentious and when Seths around, food disappears as if by magic. King of the Jig, Peter Connelly, is in Rutherford with his show, and Dick has tickets that he ordered when he and Mary were still dating. Hes upset that Mary now refuses to go with him and he has no friends to invite. Dick is nearly arrested as a scalper on the night of the performance, but Officer Don rescues him and also agrees to use the extra ticket. Dick and Don begin spending a lot of time together, with Dick becoming possessive and upset when Don has plans with other friends. Seth ridicules Peter Connelly and tells Sally hed love to have five minutes alone with the guy to tell him what a phony he is. Sally takes him seriously and shows up at the coffee house with Connelly only to see Seth begin gushing and acting like a fan. Harry goes to night school and is frightened and obnoxious until his teacher breaks down his defenses. Dick encounters Don and his friend Ernie at the bowling alley and causes such a scene that he and Don appear to be having a lovers quarrel. And Sally tells Seth hes a fraud and a loser and sets his journal on fire.
Starring Wayne Knight, Peter Krause, Jason Carter