Shirt Tales
SHIRT TALES looks like a cross between the Superfriends of old and today's Save-ums and is perhaps the first cartoon to be spun off from a line of Hallmark greeting cards. The popular early-'80s cards featured cuddly critters with messages on their shirts offering holiday greetings; the show features cuddly critters whose thoughts appear on their shirts as they fight less-cuddly critters committing crimes. In each episode of Shirt Tales, the gang -- Pammy Panda (voiced by Patricia Parris), Tyg Tiger (Steven Schatzberg), Digger Mole (Bob Ogle), Rick Raccoon (Ronnie Schell), and Bogey Orangutan (Fred Travalena) -- have adventures that are often based on fairy tales, the bad guys get their comeuppance, and a member of the crew learns a lesson like "friends are more important than money."